Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Strange Dreams

Lately, I keep having a recurring dream that I'm pregnant. Full Belly people all around me, and happy... I can't seem to understand if this is a nightmare or something that I am starting to deeply desire. I know for a fact that I'm not pregnant since I just recently had my menstrual cycle and haven't engaged in any sort of activities since then but what does this dream mean?

I can't seem to fall asleep at night. Having recently broken up with my boyfriend of 9 months, I am feeling a sense of loneliness specifically at night. During the day, I'm fine. I'll think of him here or there, but its a thought that I can swiftly move on from without heartache. But at night, simply not having him there next to me in bed keeping me warm or holding me close seems to be bothering me more than I can consciously understand. I think this is where the pregnancy dream is stemming from: a feeling of lost love that wants to be channeled somewhere. I put a lot into this past relationship and for it to go to ruins once again has left me tired of all men. Of course I desire their company for many reasons, but I'm exhausted of putting the effort into a relationship that may end again in a heart wrenching way. I don't know, part of me wants to forget about men for a while but the other parts is not sure if I can. I'm so used to having someone around me that it'll definitely be a different experience being fully alone and "playing the field here or there."

Eventually, I'll get used to be single again in due time but these mommy dreams are making that desire to love and be loved a thought on the forefront of my mind! I think I'll have to get a pet or something to distract me :)