The day before I left for Christmas, Mr. India decided to push back into my life for the third time. After his bold exclamation that he was not being fair to me and my two days of depressed detox, I finally began to accept the fact that we were over and that I would be better off. Then low and behold, he asks me for a favor. I gave him attitude and tried to resist being a good person and his unbearable guilt trip for once. That failed miserably, hes way too good at the guilt trip thing. So I lent him a parking pass that was located in my hotel room... shocker as to what happened next. He drives me crazy by thinking he can just bull doze in and out of my life and heart. And naive little me thought that the third time he returned to me would be different then the last two... Once again, that was a horrible mistake.
Its funny that as I write this article, I am actually watching “He’s Just Not That Into You.” I think the Big Man is giving me one more sign to help me along with my decisions in this relationship. And the line just went by that if a guy generally treats you like that he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care. And this is the case in point that I am in. Indian, he doesn’t call any more, he is extremely lazy when it comes to doing anything, and all of last week he made me come to see him. As I sit here pondering our relationship, do you know what he is doing? Playing video games and watching football with his friend. Last week when his friend wasn't available, he was playing video games and watching football with me. Oh how the mighty crumble or just need a good stiff kick in the ass before they realize the nonsense in their own stubbornness. They thing that blows my mind is that he agrees to be and wants to be exclusive with me, yet he won’t say we are dating or together. This guy confuses me, drives me crazy, and gets me excited all at the same time but in the end he’s just not that into me and quite frankly, its making me be not into him at all. Therefore, I've decided that I am ending things.
I am tired of men treating me like shit and quite frankly it’s my own fault for letting them. Growing up, I, like every woman, dealt with insecurity and the fear of being alone. My brother and I are so close in age that I grew up with a male companion all my life. I used this fact as an excuse for my own fear of standing on my own two feet. But through my experience with The Ex and now with this recent relationship, I have finally realized what I am looking for in a guy and what I am not willing to put up with. When it comes down to it I want to be with a guy that wants to be with me: not when its convenient for him, not when he is horny, not when I complain enough that he feels bad. And if he can’t know that he wants to be with me or show me that he wants to be with me, then he’s not worth my time nor does he deserve me. Every woman should respect herself enough to walk away from a guy who just doesn’t treat her right or make her happy. Listen to your instincts girls because they do speak the truth or at least act as a warning sign.
I'll keep you updated on my mission to be well a Diva. Its about time I listen to my own advice.
Couldn't agree with you more on this post. I'm glad you are finding some clarity. Those boys don't know what they are missing.