Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Best Friend and a movie

I just returned home from a nice night out in Baltimore with Best Friend. If you haven't noticed, I have a nick name for everyone :)

Best Friend is a boy from work that I have developed a great friendship with. This is probably possible because we have an amazing sexual tension that is just enough to make you wonder if he likes you and just enough to wonder if you want to pounce him... I still don't know.

We went and saw "Invictus." At the beginning it had a few scenes that were just too long. But the overall storyline was phenomenal and once it got into the World Cup, it was great! I definitely suggest seeing it.

Movie etiquette is always tricky, especially with a guy that you are questionable about. But if this guy is interested, he has to make the first move. I played my cool, made lighthearted conversation, didn't put my hand out there or my body too close. Overall, I left him guessing. And he did the same to me, that bum! :) Best Friend has really been a fantastic person to me, so I am quite fine with him not coming on to me. Platonic boy-girl friendships are hard to come by in this day and age, but it is refreshing to have someone of the opposite sex to just go hang out with. I enjoyed my non-date date night :)

1 comment:

  1. yay for non-date date nights! however, i myself would be going crazy with the uncertainty!
