Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And so it ends

Well today was the day for the "I squared Saga" to end. That's what I called India and I because he is Indian and I am Italian. Adorable, I know...

This morning at work, I went to his desk to let him know two things:

1) That today happens to be my half birthday!!!! (Happy Half Birthday to me :) and 2) That I would not be able to make lunch today due to a presentation I had to give (which went fantastically, by the way).

Then I asked what he was doing tonight. He told me he already made plans with his other work friend to play video games, all night. At that point, I simply had it. I stated that he was replacing me with this work friend of his and that I just didn't appreciate it anymore. He stated that he had written me an email yesterday that he was intending on sending me explaining his recent neglect and general lack of enthusiasm for our relationship. At that moment, I told him to his face that I think we are better as friends and that how he was treating me was breaking my heart. I told him to send me the email and that I would respond. It was a mutual understanding really and we both finally were at a state where we could let it go.

The email:

Basically he explained that he felt as though he was lying to his family, friends, and me by hiding "whatever it is between us." He said it wasn't fair to me that he has been treating me in a neglectful way and that by being friends, he promised he would treat me much better. He stated that he has been avoiding me and so upset lately because he has felt so guilty about the way he has been treating me. Overall, he was appologetic for the way his acted and intends to be better towards me, but in a freind aspect. I am fine with this conclusion. It makes me feel better knowing that we will be friends. At this point, thats what I wanted as well. I couldn't take being treated badly anymore and that is what I explained to him in my email response. Funny enough, India taught me two things:

1) The first time we dated, India taught me how a man should treat a woman. How to accept compliments, gifts, and invites to places. How to not call him and have him call you. In short, he taught me a little bit about being a strong, confident woman. For that, I will always be thankful.
2) The second time we "had something between us," (in my opinion, the second time we dated---the way I viewed the relationship and the way he viewed it was one of the main causes for the split), he taught me how I shouldn't be treated. He reminded me so much of all that I put up with in the relationship with The Ex. He showed me how neglectful, confusing, and lazy a man could be in a relationship. He essentially pissed me off, but still taught me how a woman should act. He reminded me that I should always stand up for myself, not let a guy get away with being a bum, and to decide for once, "I don't need this."

Amazing that the two extremes could come from one man but two completely different relationships. I am happy now though. I can walk away from this learning a lot, knowing that I was a good person to him, and knowing what I want from a man. I look forward to our friendship and I'm glad we are finally on the same page.

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