Knowing your walk away point can be a vital ascpect in any type of relationship. Knowing the least that you and willing to accept and deciding that you will not tolerate any less, without exceptions, can save you from many heartbreaks, miss compromised situations, and unsatisfying outcomes. Walking away is not you quitting, its you gaining control over the situation and over your decisions and leaving a bad or unsatisfying situation behind. Walking away is walking to a bigger and better future.
I've hit that point many times within the last four years. Sometimes I held firm and would not accept any less, other times I have let my "limit" be blurred or manuevored into another outlook, but ultimately one that I didn't want. I have let myself be weak minded at times and that is not acceptable for anyone. Moving out of my family home, going to college, entering a life that was completely different from that which I knew changed my perspective on things. No longer did I have a guiding force, no longer did I have the strong minds of my parents filling me with confidence, motivation, life lessons, and love. This was the time everyone come to in their lives, when you are asked to stand on your own two feet. I have been and its turned out so-so. Like any human being, I forget at times the values, the traditions, the firmness which resides in me, but no more. I know who I am, what I believe and what I will and will not tolerate and I will make every means neccessary not to forget or let these things slip. I now know what my walk away point is and you can watch me leave if you can't handle it.
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