I strategically position myself within a city so that I do not have to rely on my vehicle. This means from time to time, when my legs are weary, I will rely on public transportation. Today was one of those mornings that I choe the bus rather than busting my ass.
I walked out of my door with the decision made having made the decision to use public transportation and headed towards the bust stop. Observeing the clouds around me and remembering the forcast called for thunderstorms, I felt it neccessary to stop at my car on the way to the stop and grab an umbrella. I glanced the stop to see a young girl waiting there as I dashed to the car. With 10 minutes of time before the bus was expected to come, I felt my speed was needed but not rreqiured. As I turned the corner umbrella in hand, the girl had disappeared. Confused, I looked up the street to see the Circulator glinting upon the horizon. Anger fell over me. Checking my watch I decided that it was safe to wait the ten more minutes until the next one came.
As I stood there reading my book, I watched for the road, felt the moisture in the air and agreed that despite my anger at the bus, it was better to be angry then drenched in sweat when I got to work. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Periodically checking the clock and wondering why the bus had still not gotten there. And then finally after 25 mintues of waiting, when it should have been 10, the bus glides up as if nothing was wrong. The time I spent waiting was the same amount of time that it would have taken me to walk to work this morning. This fact casued the blood to reach boiling point.
While we traveled along, the bus driver seemed to have no care in the world that the good people on his bus were trying to get to work. There was absolutely no hurry in his driving, no speediness to even go when the light turned green. He simply drove as if this was a casual day with no care in the world. Perhaps I would have appreciated this mentality much more if he didn't already make me late to work.
Finally I alighted from the bus at my stop and rushed my tired legs into the building to where I sit now writing this entry. Deep breathe, release, move on...
I feel better now.
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