Monday, November 23, 2009

The background and path forward

The Waiting. The Waiting is the worst part. For three years I waited for a boy to come around. He was a great guy, we had so much in common: a love for art, architecture, style, appreciation for music, culture, and family, but in the end, we didn't have enough in common to keep us together. Strange right!? That with two personalities so compatible, a relationship wouldn't work its self out. How could it though when two people are so young immature and down right inexperienced at the love game. And we loved each other, as Alicia Keys calls it in one of her songs, it was a reckless love, a crazy love, a we can do it any where kind of love. The passion, the laughter, the happiness, it was addictive and exhilarating. But the tears, the anger, the fights, it was heart wrenching. For that reason and for many other, we broke up. It still hurts every time I see him. It still hurts in the moments that I let the thought of him into my mind. But the pain is what keeps me vigilant in my relationships to come, and what keeps me focsed on what makes me happy.

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